Cuadrilla’s record
This comment on Cuadrilla’s record can be found in the comments section of the Daily Telegraph article on Cuadrilla’s most recent breach
Let’s be very clear about Cuadrilla’s record.
In 2011 their fracking caused earthquakes because they had performed inadequate geological surveys. They deformed their well casing at PH1 well in Lancashire. They failed to report this to DECC and were chastised because of this by the government when the facts emerged. This resulted in the sacking and replacement of their then CEO.
In 2012 their subcontractors trespassed on private land and the inadequate knowledge of explosive use in seismological survey work caused damage to property which has resulted in claim settlement. It also caused death in angling club fish ponds.
In summer 2012 they issued promotional material which was later to be judged by the Advertising Standards Authority as breaching standards on a number of counts.
In Preston magistrates Court it was admitted by Lancashire County Council that Cuadrilla had breached planning conditions at Banks by continuing to drill two months beyond their permitted time, the conditions being imposed because of the imporrtance of the area to overwintering birds.
In Balcombe Cuadrilla failed to meet planning conditions by failing to have available copies of their planning conditions on-site.
Cuadrilla have withdrawn two applications for amendments to their planning consent granted in 2010 on suspicion that the original consent was not fully lawfully granted, and an extension was challengeable.
In Balcombe Cuadrilla have now been shown to be in breach of their noise conditions.
Significantly, most of these problems were highlighted not through government department action, but by local communities and individuals raising their concerns.
Excuse me, but this history is not just one little slip-up, slightly out of line. It is a whole record which shows that protestors are right to query the integrity of this particular company, and to question the validity of the government’s assertion that this is a well-regulated industry.