Press Reaction to the ASA ruling on Cuadrilla’s newsletter

It has been interesting to see how far the news of the ASA ruling, which effectively bans Cuadrilla from making certain claims about the safety of fracking, has travelled.

The Guardian was the first paper to publish an article
Curiously this article suggested (incorrectly) that the ASA had suggested changes to Cuadrilla’s claims

Cuadrilla was also criticised by the ASA for asserting that “we know that hydraulic fracturing does not lead to contamination of the underground aquifer”. That must be changed to: “To ensure that there can be no route for fluid or gas to leak from the shale rock up to the aquifer, we use multiple layers of steel casing sealed by cement.”

That was factually incorrect but the article was sympathetic, pointing out that

The censure by the Advertising Standards Authority will force a significant watering down of some of the company’s claims and is a further blow to Cuadrilla, which has halted fracking at all of its UK sites following a series of setbacks.

Locally the Lancashire Evening Post picked up very quickly on the story

The BBC picked up the article shortly afterwards

and Reuters

sent it worldwide so we ended up with coverage as far away as Africa!

We were also pleased to see that the Gasland Facebook page picked up on the story.

Here is a sample of the coverage we got elsewhere.

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