The map below shows seismic events reported by the BGS as being associated with fracking in the Fylde.
N.B. because the BGS data gives latitude and longitude to 3 decimal places some of the seismic event locations overlay each other so the number of pins is less than the number of seismic events.
The green lines and data points represent activity for PNR-1Z
The yellow lines and data points represent activity for PNR 2
This chart shows the seismic events since August 2019 associated with Wells PNR 1Z at the Preston New Road development site.
(Last updated 18 August 2019)

This chart shows the seismic events since August 2019 associated with Wells PNR 2 at the Preston New Road development site.
(Last updated 8 October 2019)

Please note that Excel autoscales the bubble sizes so whilst they are comparable within each chart the bubble sizes are not accurately relative between the charts
For information from the British Geological Survey please visit